Thursday, 9 September 2010

Roguelike Development

I've decided to blog a little about the ongoing development of a Roguelike. I'll be developing in C#, using for console support and some helpful library functionality like FOV calculation pathfinding, and BSP generation, amongst other things.

I'm primarily inspired by Dwarf Fortress, a game I'd love to be able to get into but just can't seem to crack. It's a testatment to its complexity that it actually seems simpler to develop my own Roguelike than to brave its (frankly horrendous) UI.

We'll see how far I get with this. Here's the first screenshot below! From small beginnings...

Set up the main console window, dividing it into sections. Tab toggles various enlarged views of the main window. Got a viewport system up and working so the main map can be scrolled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

- David